A form functions and looks the same in the Web App on a PC as in the Zegeba phone/tablet app.
Form viewed in the Web App
The same form viewed on a tablet
The same form viewed on a phone
Question types in a form
The form in the pictures above is a quite typical one. We see on the navigation bar at the bottom that it has two pages, Checklist and Remarks, plus the Summary page to the right of these. Read more about the navigation bar and how you move through the pages in 3.1 Navigation through the form.
There are often many types of “questions” in a form. At the top of this form we see a Date question. When you click on this, you get a calendar where you choose the date. In the questions Project, Engineer Name and Customer Name you must type in text. There are no limits to how long the text can be, but it is all written in one long line.
In the section “On arrival / Prior to work commencing”, there are several “select” questions:
The first three questions are single-choice: you must select either the Yes or the No options by clicking on them. Such questions may also have more options but you can only choose one. They can also be displayed in a dropdown list instead of the round “radio buttons” show here. The fourth question is a multiple-choice question where you can select 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4 or all 5 options by clicking on their square checkboxes.
The section “Conclusion” first contains a Statement question for typing in text. In a multi-line question like this you can format the text with line breaks (with the Enter key), bullet points, empty lines, etc. However, you can not use character formatting, such as bold, or change font or font size.
Beside it is a Photo question. When you work in the web app on a PC, you will only see one button here: a [Select] button that you can click on to select a picture from your PC. When you work on a device with a camera, photo questions will also have another button called [Capture]. This button opens the camera so you can take a picture right there and then and add it into the form.
Some other question types not shown in this for are number or decimal questions. You can generally type as many digits and decimals as you like in these.
The questions are automatically saved as soon as you have filled them in.
Mandatory questions
Some questions may be mandatory. These are marked in the form with a brown exclamation mark and a brown border, see below.
You will be able to save a form even if some mandatory questions are left unanswered, but these will be listed as incomplete on the Summary page. You can click on this message to see which questions must be filled out. See more about the Summary page in Capturing: 3.2 Summary page.
In the Zegeba app, form reports with missing mandatory fields will be marked with a exclamation mark icon to the right: