From the Tasks option
In the Tasks menu option you will find a list of all tasks presently available to you, as described in the steps below. If your company has started using contexts you can also go to the contexts in your menu to find you tasks. See the section further down this page.
- Select Tasks on the menu to get a list of your tasks.
- If you can’t see the task you are looking for in the list, enter a word to search for in the Search field or select a date to search for. You can also sort the list according at a specific parameter, such as title or task state, and press the AZ icon to sort or reverse sort the displayed list. In the picture below we have searched for “life rafts”, sorted the list by “Data created” in reverse direction (Z to A), to see the latest life raft tasks first:
- Click on the task you want to open. You will then see one or more forms listed:
The task pictured here has 3 forms. The “Work Report with Checklist” has not yet been filled out as it has 0 (zero) instances saved. You can fill that form out a maximum of 2 times. The Risk Assessment form has been filled out 2 times. There are no upper limits to this form. The Incident Report has not been filled out yet. You can only fill that form out once.
- Press the orange form icon with the plus sign to create a new report.
- Enter form data as described in Using: 3 Filling out a form.
- When you are done filling out the form you may choose an appropriate state in the Task State dropdown list. The states are defined specifically for your company, and may have names like “Ongoing”, “Closed”, “Done”, “For review”, etc.
- Press the Sync icon (the double-arrow in the upper right corner) if you want to sync the report right away.
If you have selected Automatic synchronization in your app’s Settings on the app menu, the report will be synced automatically in a little while anyway. When this setting is switched off you can wait until appropriate – for instance until you reach a place with a good Internet connection – and then press Sync.
From the context options
If your company has started using contexts you will get a list of all available contexts when you open the Zegeba app. If the context list is greyed as in the picture below, press the “x” next to “Menu” or click in the list to remove the menu and activate the list. Browse through the contexts and subcontexts to select the context and task you are going to work on today.
Here we have selected the context type Vessels in the side menu and found the 3 contexts of the type Vessel where this app user has tasks to be done:
By clicking on the Viking Warrior context we see 3 subcontexts, for Deck 1, Deck 2 and Deck 3:
When clicking on Deck 2 we see 3 subcontexts, for Cabins ES-101, ES-102, ES-103 on that deck:
When clicking on Cabin ES-103 we see the task that this user has been assigned to on that deck:
When the task list of a context has been found, the user can continue working on the tasks as described from step 2 above.
Note: Some context types may be shown with an “empty folder” icon in the app, as in the picture below. This means that the context designer has decided to show contexts in the app even if they are empty, that is contain no tasks for the present app user. This setting is described in Managing: 8.7 Defining Settings for a context type.
Read more about contexts here: Managing: 7 Managing contexts.