When opening a form, you can see on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen how many pages it has. The page you have open right now is colored purple and has a hand pointing to it. The form with the navigation bar shown below has only one page. The second white page with the form icon is the Summary page with functions for saving and closing your filled in form. See Capturing: 3.2 Summary page for more information on this.
If there are Show/Hide rules set for the individual pages in the form’s design, the navigation bar may show more pages than you see when you first open the form. One page may for instance be set to hidden unless a specific option is chosen. The page will then only show up in the navigation bar when the option is selected. See Designing: 5.1 Rules (branching/skip formulas) for more information on this.
The navigation bar also shows if some answers have been filled out on a page (with a green checkmark), if there are questions with warnings (an exclamation mark) or serious errors (a road sign with an exclamation mark):
The other colors, icons and names used for the pages in the navigation bar are set by the form designer. See Designing: 6.2 Page settings for more information on this.
Go to another page
To view another page: click on the page on the navigation bar or press the [Next] or [Prev] buttons.