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4.7.2 Lists Of Document Import Annotations

Published: 19/09/2024
Updated: 15/10/2024

Supported data type annotations for import
See details for each element type in Designing: 4 Types of elements and a guide to how to implement these types in Managing: 4.7.1 How to import a Word document.

{DATE} {DATE|format=YYYY.MM.DD} Date input field, optionally date format as described in Designing: 4.3 Date and Time
{DATETIME} {DATE|format=YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm} Date and time input field
{TIME} {DATE|format=HH:mm} Time input field
{DECIMAL} Decimal number input field
{NUMBER} Number, no decimals.
{TEXT} Text Input field, no line breaks, but auto grows in height to show all text.
{TEXTAREA} Same as {TEXT} but allows line breaks.
{BOOLEAN} Toggle switch True/False, Yes/No
{MULTI} {MULTI|options:Banana,Orange,Mango,Plum} Multiple Select (Checkboxes)
{OPTION} An option of a {BOOLEAN}, {MULTI}, {OPTION}, {SINGLE}
{SLIDER} A visual slider with a start and end value
{SINGLE} Single Select (Dropdown or Radio buttons)
{AUDIO} Audio recording or upload
{FILE} File upload
{IMAGE} Image capture or upload
{VIDEO} Video capture or upload
{GPS} GPS / Location / Geo position capture
{LINK} A link to a file, website or e.g. a Repeat (see details in Designing: 6.5 Repeats.
{SIGNATURE} or {SIGN} Signature capture
{MULTIMEDIA:URL} Display of an image, video or audio. Note! Not for capturing images. Images in a form are automatically converted to this tag.
{LINE} A horizontal line for separating elements.
{SPACER} Vertical spacer to add space between elements
{LABEL} A text without input field, e.g. header or information text on a form. All paragraphs that are not tagged with an input type will be converted to {LABEL} type, but can be changed to any other input type in the Designer later.
{PAGE_BREAK} Marks a page break
{REPEAT_SUB reference=#elementid} {REPEAT_SUB|reference=elementid;description=Description template} Allows setting a description template.
{ACTION|action=print} {ACTION|action=state} {ACTION|action=finish} {ACTION|action=save} {ACTION|action=close} {ACTION|action=view} {ACTION|action=settings} Shows various buttons (the same as on the Summary page)

Supported layout elements

These codes allow even better control of the import process:

{GROUP_START} {GROUP_END} Elements between these two type tags will be added to a group. The first text will be set as group title if it does not have a type tag
{ACCORDION_START} {ACCORDION_END} Same as Group, but is collapsible
{REPEAT_START} {REPEAT_END} {REPEAT_START|#elementid} Requires setting element id if used with a {REPEAT_SUB} Elements between these two type tags will be added to a Repeat (sub form). The first text will be set as repeat title if it does not have a type tag

Optional data type annotation properties

These optional data type annotation properties support controlling details of the imported elements.

Note: TYPE in the below examples should be replaced by action datatype annotation e.g. {TEXT|#elementid}. Example: {TEXT|#elementa@ifs@12345}.

{TYPE|#elementid_a} {TYPE|elementid= elementid_a} Adds a custom Element ID for the element – useful if e.g. using it in a rule or adhering to standard rules.
{TYPE|@tag_a} {TYPE|tag=tag_a} Adds a tag to an input field
{TYPE|#elementid;?ruleid_3} {TYPE|ruleid=ruleid_3} Adds the element to all actions in a specific rule (for branching and skip logic of a form – not input validation). Note! The element must have an Element ID and can not have automatic Element ID. Note! The rule and its name must be defined in the document or in the Zegeba form template used to import the Word document. RULEID = automatic Element ID of a rule based on the title of the rule
{TYPE|%validationid_1} {TYPE|validationid=validationid_1} Adds input validation as defined in the referenced ID of the elements that have validation (only input validation – no actions) Note! The validation and its name must be defined in the document or in the Zegeba form template used to import the Word document.
{TYPE|$calculationid_2} {TYPE|calculationid=calculationid_2} The ID of an element that has a calculation that should be copied.

Control and configuration annotations

These optional control and configuration annotation properties support controlling details of the imported document, e.g. placement, copying, replacing and more. Some are relevant when creating a form to be used as an Import Template. See more on this in Managing: 4.7.3 Create an import template.

{START|#elementid} {START|elementid} Any elements found in the template will be added after the referenced Element ID. If not found it will add a new page and start adding elements there.
{MOVE|#elementid} {MOVE|elementid} Moves any previously defined element (can be defined in imported word file or the Zegeba form used as a template).
{COPY|#elementid} {COPY|elementid} Inserts a copy of a previously added or defined element or template
{REPLACE|#elementid} {REPLACE|elementid} Replaces the previous text with a copy of a previously added or defined element or template. Similar to COPY.
{DELETE|#elementid} {DELETE|elementid} Removes any element with Element ID. Useful to clean up e.g. template elements.
{SET_DEFAULT_CHECKBOX|#elementid} {SET_DEFAULT_CHECKBOX|elementid} Defines default replacement for checkboxes. Allows switching during import e.g. to use one default in the first page and another later.
{SETTINGS|header=false;footer=false} Ignores Header and Footer
{SETTINGS|disable=#abc,@123} {SETTINGS|hide=#abc,@123} {SETTINGS|readonly=#abc,@123} {SETTINGS|mandatory=#abc,@123} It is also possible to combine several action settings like this: {SETTINGS|disable=#abc,@123;mandatory=@456,#xyz} Allows you to set the default state of elements to hide, disable etc. – ideal to use with tags e.g. @123 to disable a bunch of elements. But can also be used with individual element ids e.g. #abc
Keywords that can be used:
• disable
• hide
• readonly
• mandatory

In addition it is possible to use the reverse, but might not be of any relevance since these are the default state of an element.
• enable
• active
• optional}
{ROW|&ruleid#elementid} Applies a rule, tag, id or something to a row in a table. Must be placed in a table cell.
{APPLY_TABLE|&ruleid#elementid} Applies a rule, tag, id or something to a table. Must be placed in a table cell.
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