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4.5 Archive Folders, Forms And Data


From Zegeba v 4.4, folders, forms and data can be archived. Archived items can later be unarchived. Users with the roles Admin, Archive Manager and Form Managers can archive folders, forms and data. Data Managers can archive data (individual reports). When a folder or form is archived, the form templates and all data captured in them will be archived.

For most users, archived items will no longer be visible in the Dashboard or the Zegeba app, but users with these two roles can see them by pressing the button [Show Archived] in the Dashboard or selecting the filter “Show Archived data” in the Data Views screen. See detailed descriptions below.

Archive a folder

  1. Select Archive Folder on the folder’s three-striped menu.


  1. In the alert message that comes up, press [ARCHIVE] to confirm the archiving.
    The folder is now gone from the Dashboard.

Archive a form

  1. Select Archive Form on the form’s three-striped menu.


  1. In the alert message that comes up, press [ARCHIVE] to confirm the archiving.
    The form is now gone from the Dashboard.

Archive a form version

Some times you may want to archive just the older versions of a form but keep the newer versions visible in the Dashboard and the app.

  1. Select Archive Version on the form version’s three-striped menu.


  1. In the alert message that comes up, press [ARCHIVE] to confirm the archiving.
    The form version is now gone from the Dashboard.

Show archived items

When items have been archived, Admins and Archive Managers will get the button [Show Archived] in the top right corner of every screen in the Form Templates section.


When the button is pushed, users with these two roles will see archived items with a yellow Archived tag:



When pressing [Hide Archived], these items will be hidden from view again.

Unarchive archived items

  1. Press [Show Archived] as described in the section above.
  2. Click on the three-striped meny of the folder, form or form version that you want to archive, and select Unarchive Folder (or Form or Version).


Archive data captures

The procedures described above will archive all data in a folder, form or form version. You can also choose to archive one data capture (report) at a time from either the Form Version screen or the Data Views screen.

  1. Find the data you wish to archive in the Form Versions screen:


Or the Data Views screen:


  1. Press the Archive icon for this data capture:


  1. In the alert message that comes up, press [ARCHIVE] to confirm the archiving.
    This data capture is now gone from the Dashboard.

Show archived data captures

  1. In the Form Versions screen,
    press the button [Show Archived] to show all archived data, as described above
    – or –
    In the Data Views screen,
    select the filter “Include archived data” to see archived data in the Data Views lists.


Unarchive data captures

From the Form Versions screen or the Data Views screen:

  1. Press the Unarchive icon for the archived data capture.


The data capture will then immediately be visible to all users, both in the Form Versions screen, the Data Views screen, and the app.

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