Add images to a report and crop them, add text and shapes, and draw on them
Add your own fields in User information
Form states can have percentages showing progress of work
Users select form states in reports
Progress % is displayed in Data Views screen
Change state or assigned users
for all selected tasks
Tasks: Copy tasks, set states for multiple tasks or assign multiple users in one go
Copy a task
or select multiple tasks to edit them
Default email for all tasks in Settings
Customized emails for each task template
Customize your task assignment emails
Changes in task state can trigger:
changes in user assignment
and/or emails to be sent
More sort options in the Next app
for tasks and contexts
Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Dashboard and the Forms and Next apps. Most Zegeba servers will now be upgraded to 3.29 from 3.24 but if your server was upgraded from an earlier version, please read the Release Notes before this too. They are available through the category “Release Notes” in the side menu. And if you wonder what happened to versions 3.25 – 3.28, they were internal versions not intended for general release.
More links to relevant manual sections in the Help Center will be added soon.
New features in Zegeba v 3.29
In the Dashboard
- Form states can now have a progress value (0 – 100 %) visible in the Dashboard’s Data Views. See Designing: 6.1 The main Form element.
- The Tasks screen now has a new column showing the context the task may be a part of. You can click on the context to open it in the Context Builder. See Managing: 5.3 Viewing tasks.
- You can now have customized, company-specific fields included in the User information, for instance Department, Position, etc. Read more about this in Managing: 3.2 Add a new user.
- Azure Active Directory login – if you use Azure AD in your company we can now add a button in the Zegeba Login dialogue to allow your users to use their existing usernames and passwords in Zegeba. Contact Zegeba Support for more information on this.
In the Designer
- Form states can now be customized with a progress value (0 – 100 %) visible in the Dashboard’s Data Views. See how to implement this in Designing: 6.1 The main Form element.
Improvements in Zegeba v 3.29
In the Dashboard
- All screens now have helpful headlines showing where in the Dashboard you are: FORM VERSIONS, TASK TEMPLATES, etc.
- In the tasks list each task now has a copy icon you can use to quickly make a new task similar to the existing one. See Managing: 5.2 Creating and copying tasks.
- Tasks can now be selected “in bulk” to set task states or assign/remove users of several tasks at once. See Managing: 5.4 Editing task details.
- In the task and context lists you can now search for data in multiple columns at once. See Managing: 5.3 Viewing tasks and Managing: 7.3 Viewing contexts.
- The Settings screen has a new option: Task Assignment Message, where you can enter a general mail message to be used when informing users about their task assignment. You can also set such messages individually for each task template. Read about the new Settings option in Managing: 2.2 The Dashboard menu.
- The Statistics option showing server usage statistics has been removed from the Dashboard menu.
In the Designer
- You can now perform several action commands by the click on a Link button. See Designing: 6.6 Links / Go to / Actions for more information.
- When you start designing a new form, the Remarks star will be switched Off for all elements. You can then add it for individual elements. See Designing: 6.1 The main Form element.
- When you add a new repeat, the Repeat layout will be Horizontal. You can then change these settings manually. See Designing: 6.5 Repeats for more information.
- The form’s Description Formula field will now accept line breaks, enabling you to better format the Description in the Dashboard and the apps. See Designing: 6.4 Description Formula.
- Almost all element question types now have a property allowing their data to be copied when copying report data in the Next app. This means that you don’t have to copy all corresponding data to a new report when you only need some of the data. If you have already defined data copying in previous versions of Zegeba, you must now open the forms in the Designer and select this property for the elements to be copied. See Designing: 4.2.5 Other tab for more information.
- NB! The functionality of “Hide label text” for input elements has changed. The open input field will no longer expand leftwards into the place of the hidden label, you have to select “Label placement”: None for the input field to expand. So if you forms’ input elements, especially in grids, have become smaller after the Zegeba upgrade, try to set the Label placement to None.
- Also: For Single and Multiple Select elements, the property “Group sub elements” now works as it should and is recommended to use in order to get a good print of the element’s options and their subelements on the PDF. Contact Zegeba Support if you need help with any of this.
In the Forms app
- The Number elements now have larger plus and minus buttons for better accessibility on mobile devices.
- When typing in a Text Area field, the field will expand to show all the lines you have typed. See Designing: 4.1 List of elements.
- The look and usability of the Draw on image functionality has now been improved. See Capturing: 3.1 Adding and editing images.
- The Draw on image option now also includes drawing arrows.
In the Next app
- If there are no contexts on your Zegeba server the app now goes directly to the Task list.
- The Tasks list have more sort options, such as sort by data or by title. See Using: 4.1 Finding a task form.
- In the list of reports for a form there is now a handy three-striped menu icon where you can select to open, delete or print a PDF of the report. The Delete option on this menu has replaced the black Bin icon previously used for deletion. See Using: 4.8 Deleting a task form report.
- The Number and Decimal elements now have larger plus and minus buttons for better accessibility on mobile devices.
- When typing in a Text Area field, the field will expand to show all the lines you have typed. See Designing: 4.1 List of elements.
- The look and usability of the Draw on image functionality has now been improved. See Using: 4.3 Adding and editing images.
- The Draw on image option now also includes drawing arrows.
- You can now search for context information in the Context screen. See Managing: 7.3 Viewing contexts.
- The “breadcrumb” address listed on the top of a context or task now also contains the context type. See pictures in Using: 4.1 Finding a task form.
In the Task Template Editor
- The menu in the Task Template list now contains the option Delete Task Template. See Managing: 6.8 Copying or deleting a task template.
- You can now set a customizable default email message for each task template, for instance containing specifics for the particular task with web site links, manager contact information etc. These will override the general message that may be set in Settings. See Managing: 6.6 Defining Settings for a task template.
- You can now set an email notification to be sent when a tasks changes its state, for instance to the state “Finished”. See Managing: 6.2 Adding Task States for a task template.
- Users can be automatically assigned to a task when it changes state. See Managing: 6.2 Adding Task States for a task template.
- If a task is part of a context, its title and description can now display meta data from the context it belongs to. See Managing: 6.4 Adding Task Title and Description to a task template.
- Tasks’ prefill of form data can now be set to be updated every time the form is opened. See Managing: 6.5 Adding Forms to a task template.
In Contexts
- A context can now be copied. See Managing: 7.2 Creating and copying contexts.
- A task can now in the Task Template Editor be set to open in Next only when accessing it from a context – it will not be listed in the Tasks list. See Managing: 6.6 Defining Settings for a task template.
- Context data can now be displayed in the title and description of a task. See Managing: 8.9 Configuring data inheritance from contexts to forms.
Bugfixes in Zegeba v 3.29
- You can now open all standard types of attachments in the Next app.
- The element property “Hide unanswered questions in PDF” now works as it should.
- Description Formula references now also works for Link elements referring to repeats from elements in groups or grid cells.
- A link to a task in a task email will now also expire when the task expires.
- The background color of a Text Label element will now also be printed on the PDF.
- Plus several fixes regarding the printing of form elements, repeats, and grids on PDF.
… as well as many other technical and performance improvements boosting the power of the Zegeba platform!
Note! If you have just gotten the new server version and you are using Zegeba in a browser you may have to press Ctrl-F5 (in Windows) or Cmd-Shift-R for Refresh (on Mac) in the Dashboard or the Designer to get the new features. This forces the browser to download the latest Zegeba version from the server. But even if you don’t press this, the new features will show up the second time you open the Dashboard/Designer.
Previous Release note: Release notes: Zegeba v 3.24.