
Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Next app and the Dashboard. Most Zegeba servers will now be upgraded to 4.6 from 4.4 but if your […]

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Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Next app and the Dashboard. Most Zegeba servers will now be upgraded to 4.4 from 4.0 but if your […]

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From Zegeba v 4.4 you can archive old folders, forms and data, and even individual data captures. Archived items are not deleted but hidden from view, and this may make the Dashboard and data lists look more tidy and relevant. Only users with the roles of Admin and Archive Manager can archive and unarchive items. […]

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  What does the various buttons and icons on the Zegeba app toolbar really mean?  Check out the guide in Using: 2.3 Symbols on the app toolbar.

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The Zegeba app has the same functionality that you are used to in the Forms app – plus much more. Here we will compare the most common functions used in both apps: finding a form to work on, finding previous reports, the Outbox, and syncing with the server. Note that the forms themselves will look […]

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In Zegeba v 4.0, all functionality in the Forms app was moved to the Zegeba app (previously called Next). After a transition period, you will no longer be able to upload data from the old Forms app. The Zegeba app is a more modern app that will give you much better control of your data. […]

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The Outbox option on the Zegeba app  menu contains information about forms and tasks waiting to be synced to the server. In addition, it has a powerful feature for form and task comparison if you are trying to upload and someone else has made changes to the same items while you were working on them […]

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Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Next app and the Dashboard. Most Zegeba servers will now be upgraded to 4.0 from 3.29 but if your […]

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Have you discovered that task state changes can trigger new functionality in Zegeba v 3.29? You can now for instance specify that some users will be unassigned from a task and others assigned when a specific state has been reached. Or you can remove all users when the task state Completed is reached. You can […]

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Our two user manuals for the Forms app and the Zegeba app have a new section on adding and editing images in the form. Check out the new crop and draw functions in the Forms app in Capturing: 3.1 Adding and editing images, for the Zegeba app in Using:  3.4 Adding and editing images.

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