User instructions for transfer from the Forms app to the Zegeba app

User instructions for transfer from the Forms app to the Zegeba app

Software, All

In Zegeba v 4.0, all functionality in the Forms app was moved to the Zegeba app (previously called Next). After a transition period, you will no longer be able to upload data from the old Forms app.

The Zegeba app is a more modern app that will give you much better control of your data. You will get a better data listing, can decide how much data you want to download, etc.

Warning! After installing the Zegeba app, you should NOT uninstall the Forms app from your phone or tablet before you are 100% sure that you can find all your data and images in the Zegeba app. See further instructions below.


Right BEFORE 4.0 is installed on your server, sync all data from the Forms app:

Before the Zegeba staff installs version 4.0 on your company’s Zegeba server, all users of the Forms app will have to do the following:

  1. On your phone and/or tablet,
    sync all data you have in the Forms app that has not yet been uploaded to the Zegeba server.
    Do this by pressing the double arrowed Sync button on the toolbar:

    Press the sync button two times more to ensure that everything has been uploaded.


Right AFTER 4.0 is installed, download the Zegeba app:
  1. If you have an iPhone or iPad: 


    – Go to the Apple App Store
    – Search for “Zegeba”:
    – Press the cloud icon to install the Zegeba app on your iPhone or iPad.


    – Scan this QR code and go to the App Store’s Zegeba page link it contains:

    – Press the cloud icon to install the Zegeba app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. If you have an Android phone or tablet:


    – Go to Google Play.

    – Search for “Zegeba”- Press [Install] to install the Zegeba app on your phone or tablet.


    – Scan this QR code and go to the Google Play page link it contains:

    – Press [Install] to install the Zegeba app on your phone or tablet.
  3. Follow the instructions on this page in our Help Center to log in to the app:
    Using: 2.2 Start up, log in and download forms and tasks
    Your username and password are the same as before.
  4. Go to the menu option Forms to find the list of folders you are used to.
    Find the form you want and fill it out like you are used to. See
    Using: 3 Filling out a form.

If you are certain that all your data from the Forms app has been uploaded to the server,
you should still keep the Forms app on your phone or tablet for a while – “just in case”.

If there is still unsynced data in your Forms app, see below.


Did you not sync all your Forms app data before 4.0 was installed on your server?
  1. If you open the old Forms app and sync it, you will now get the following message:
    As the message says, press Sync at least three times to sync all your data.
  2. Then have a Zegeba administrator in your company check in the Dashboard that all your data has arrived at the server.
    If not, please report this to
  3. When ALL data has been synced, install the Zegeba app as shown above and start using this.
    You should still keep the Forms app on your phone or tablet for a while, just to be sure that you do not miss any data that is still on this app.

Learn how to log into the Zegeba app in Using: 2.2 Start up, log in and download forms and tasks.

See how the Forms app functions you are used to compare to the functions in the Zegeba app here:  Finding your Forms app functions in the Zegeba app.