Release notes: Zegeba v 3.24

All, Release Notes


Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Dashboard and the Forms and Next apps. Most Zegeba servers will now be upgraded to 3.24 from 3.23 but if your server was upgraded from an earlier version, please read the Release Notes before this too. They are available through the category “Release Notes” in the side menu.
More links to relevant manual sections in the Help Center will be added soon. 


New features in Zegeba v 3.24

In the Dashboard

  • Settings – customize the word you wish to use for “task” to use terms such as “job”, “activity”, “work order”, etc. See Managing: 2.2 The Dashboard menu.

In the Designer

  • New element type: Custom Content – Use this element to add HTML code to be displayed in the form’s pages. 

Improvements in Zegeba v 3.24

In the Dashboard
  • Menu options renamed and moved!  Design/edit options are now in the middle of the menu. This includes the option Forms which has been renamed Form Templates. See Managing: 2.2 The Dashboard menu.
  • Editable Data Views – customize the list of Data Views (formerly called Data) to suit your needs, such as a list of all reports of a specific form, from a specific user or with certain form states. See Managing: 9.4 Create views for the Data Views screen.
In the Designer
  • Buttons on Repeat, Image/Audio/Video capture, Signature, Action and Attachment elements can now be customized. The “Add item” button has been renamed to “Add” but you can now call it whatever you like, e.g. “Add Photos” or just “Spare Parts”. And you can give this and the other buttons in these elements your company colors, new texts and new icons. See Designing: 4.2.3 Styling tab.
  • Repeat tables – the width of columns/cells can also be customized. If you have one column with just a number in it you may define this to take e.g. 10% of the table width, while a comment column may have 30% width and a photo column have 60% width. See Designing: 6.5 Repeats.
  • Preview pane – add signatures, images and attachments. These are just for show and will not be saved in the form design. See Designing: 2.6 Previewing forms.
  • Link element – its Reference property is now an expandable field so it’s easier to see the entire reference string. 

  • NB! The functionality of “Hide label text” for input elements has changed. The open input field will no longer expand into the place of the hidden label, you have to select “Label placement”: None for the input field to expand. So if you forms’ input elements, especially in grids, have become smaller after the Zegeba upgrade, try to set the Label placement to None. 
    Contact Zegeba Support if you need help with this. 
In the Task Template Editor
In the Next app 
In Contexts
  • The list of subcontexts and tasks in a context is now searchable.
  • Context Types can now be deleted from the Dashboard.
  • Contexts can now be deleted from the Context list. 

Bugfixes in Zegeba v 3.24

  • Many fixes regarding the printing of form elements, repeats, and grids on PDF. 

… as well as many other technical and performance improvements boosting the power of the Zegeba platform!

Note! If you have just gotten the new server version and you are using Zegeba in a browser you may have to press Ctrl-F5 (in Windows) or Cmd-Shift-R for Refresh (on Mac) in the Dashboard or the Designer to get the new features. This forces the browser to download the latest Zegeba version from the server. But even if you don’t, the new features will show up the second time you open the Dashboard/Designer. 

Previous Release note:  Release notes: Zegeba v 3.23.