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FAQ: Why Don’t People Receive Our Notification Emails?
1. PDF Delivery Delay
- There’s a 10-minute delay before the PDF is sent from the Zegeba server. This ensures all photos in the report are uploaded before creating and sending the PDF.
2. Check Email Notification Setup
If no email arrives after 10 minutes:
- Verify the email notification setup in the top form element’s Properties – PDF tab.
- Ensure the Subject and Message fields are not empty; emails won’t be sent if these fields are blank.
- Confirm the email address parameters are correctly configured.
- Check that the form’s Description formula contains actual text and not just codes within curly brackets (
- For additional guidance, refer to ** 8.0 Printing And Sending Captured Data**.
3. Proxy/Firewall and Attachment Size Restrictions
- The email may be blocked by the recipient’s proxy/firewall settings or an attachment size restriction.
- Test this by sending the Zegeba PDF attachment manually using your regular email client.
- If the recipient still doesn’t receive the email, they should review their company’s email settings.
4. Admin User Deactivation
- If the Admin user has been deactivated or deleted, emails will be sent without the PDF attachment.
- Learn how to reactivate a user here: ** 3.6 Deactivate And Delete Users**.
5. Zegeba Mail Exporter Errors
- There may be an issue with the Zegeba mail exporter.
- If the steps above don’t resolve the issue, contact Zegeba Support for assistance.