7.4 Adding video and audio to a form design
Adding video or audio to be downloaded from Resources or an external video site
If you wish to add videos or audio files to your form, you can use a Link element to play a file placed in the Dashboard’s Resources or on an external server.
When the form is synced to an app, resource files will be downloaded and cached to the phone or tablet. This enables the user to play the file even when the device is offline.
In a Link element, go to the property Settings – Reference and add the URL address (https://) to the file you want to link, for instance:
From your Zegeba server’s Resources:
(the name of you company’s server will be used instead of “company”)
See in Designing: 7.1 Managing resources in the Dashboard how you find this URL.
From an external video site, e.g.
Adding videos as attachments to a task
You can add videos as task attachments , i.e. not inside a form but added in the Attachment section of a task. (See Managing: 5.4 List of functions. Such videos will be downloaded to each task user’s tablet or phone and may need a lot of storage space. If the size of the video causes problems, you may consider adding a Video Stream instead, see below.
Adding video to be streamed from the Zegeba server
Zegeba is designed to function as offline software where all files needed are downloaded to the Zegeba app so it can be used without an Internet connection. However, many video files are so large that there will not be sufficient storage space for them om the phone or tablet. In Zegeba v 4.6 we introduced a new element type called Video Stream. This element will stream the video in the app, but not save it. This means that it will only work in an online environment. If you lose the Internet connection, the streaming will stop.
Such videos are not stored in the Resources folder, but must be individually prepared and stored on the server by Zegeba staff at an additional cost. Please contact Zegeba Support if you would like to add videos to be streamed from a form.