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7.1 Managing resources in the Dashboard


In the Dashboard’s Resources module you can upload and store files, and later use these in form elements by linking to their URL address.

Pictures can be added directly into the form design in the Designer an also use Select Multimedia within the Designer to do some of these functionality. See Designing: 7.2 Adding images to a form design for more information on this.

Upload files and folders to Resources


  1. In the left-hand menu in the Dashboard, select Resources.
  2. To upload a single file:
    From the four file and folder icons on top of the file list, press the first to Upload files from disk. Select the file you wish to upload in the file explorer, and press [Open] to add it to the file list.
  3. To upload a folder containing files:
    From the four file and folder icons on top of the file list, press the second to Upload folder from disk. Select the folder you wish to upload in the file explorer, and press [Upload] to add the folder to the file list.
  4. To create a new folder:
    From the four file and folder icons on top of the file list, press the fourth to Create folder. Type in a name for the folder next to the new folder icon created in the list.

The Resources file list

The file list shows all forms and files uploaded by the active user. Administrators will see the resources of all users on the server.

Go to a folder

  • Click on a folder to open it and see the list of files it contains.
    You will then see the folder name above the file names.
  • Click on the house icon next to this folder name to go back to the start folder (“home”).

Search for a file

  • In the top icon menu above the file list, click next to the spyglass icon to enter a search term.

Open new list window

  • To the right in the top icon menu there is a “empty window” icon. Press on this [Create new] icon to create another list view. Use this dual view to compare content in various folders and drag files to copy or move them from one folder to another.
  • Press on the “crossed window” icon to the top right to close that view.

The Resources file viewer

  • In the Dashboard, click on a file name to open it in the viewer.
  • Press on the > and < arrows to browse through the files.
  • Move the pointer over a picture to see the viewer top menu in the upper right corner:
  • Press the horizontal or vertical double arrows to make the picture fit the screen window.
  • Press the + – spyglass icons to zoom in and out.
  • Press the square icon to see the picture full screen, and use the options on the viewer top menu.
  • Press Escape, the Toggle icon or “x” to go back to normal view.
    You can also use the “empty window” icon to the top right to create another file view, like described for “Open list window”.

The Resources file options


The Resources file list shows the names of each file, time lapse since modified, size, and 3 options at the end:

  • Press a file’s Share iconto get the URL link of the file, and press [Copy] to copy this link to the Clipboard.
  • Press a file or folder’s Download icon to download it to your computer. A folder will be downloaded as a .zip archive file.
  • Press a file or folder’s “3 dots” icon to the very right to get an Actions menu with the following options:
    • Open opens the file in the File viewer.
    • Edit opens the text editor mentioned here.
    • Press Rename to open the file/folder name for editing.
    • Copy and Cut copy the file to the Clipboard. Go to the folder where you wish to save the file and press the [Paste here] button in the top right corner. Cut removes the original file from its first location, Copy leaves a copy there.
    • Delete deletes the file entirely.

Creating a text file in Resources

You may sometimes need a simple text file (.txt) for various purposes, for instance for use in a Dynamic List element (see Designing: 4.6 Dynamic lists. You can create this in Resources like this:

  1. Press Create File, the third icon in the top left corner.
  2. Type a name for the file.
  3. Click on the name to open the text editor.
  4. Type in the entries – or paste them in from a copied list with Ctrl-V) and press Enter to create new lines.
  5. Press the Save icon to the right.
  6. In the Resources screen you can now press the file’s link icon to the right in order to get the file’s URL.

This can be pasted in to an element in the Designer.

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