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3.4 User Permissions

Published: 19/09/2024
Updated: 15/10/2024

Users with the role of Admin have access to all folders and all forms. All other types of users must be given permissions to the specific folders and forms they need access to. Users with the roles Admin or Access Manager can give such permissions.

When adding a new user, it is customary to enter the access permissions for folders and form for this user at the same time. And to edit the user information when they need new permissions or have their permissions withdraws.  This is described in the section “Permissions for a single user in Edit User” below.

From Zegeba v 4.4, there is a new and more handy way to manage multiple access permissions in one go, from the new folder and form menu option “Access Permissions”. This is described further down, in the section “Permissions for multiple users from folder and form menus”.

Permissions for a single user in Edit User

Add access permissions for a user

  1. Go to Users in the Dashboard, find the user you want to give permissions to and click [Edit] for that user to open the “Edit User” window.
  2. If there already is a user with the same permissions as this one, you can quickly copy their permissions: press “select another user” and click on the user you wish to copy permissions from. The present user will then instantly get the same permissions as the user you selected.
  3. You can also select permissions manually:
    – Press [Grant access to all folders] to quickly give general access to every folder and form on the server.
    – Or press [Grant access to folder] to give access to all present and future forms in that folder.
    – Or click on a folder’s “>” arrow to open a list of its forms. Press on the form buttons to give permission for them. All permitted forms and folders are green.
  4. Press [Save changes] when done.


Note: If you use Tasks and assign a task to a user, that user will automatically get permission to access all forms defined in the task. So you do not have to open this window to do that manually.

Remove user permissions

Sometimes we have to remove permissions from a user, for instance if they have finished working on a project, or – if they are using the Zegeba Forms app – to avoid too much old data being downloaded to their app.

  1. Go to Users in the Dashboard, find the user you want to remove permissions from and click [Edit] for that user to open the “Edit User” window.
  2. All permitted forms and folders are green.
    – If the [Grant access to all folders] button is green, press it to deselect it. Then follow step 3 above to give access to individual folders and forms.
    – Or press on green [Grant access to folder] buttons to remove access to all forms in that folder. Then follow step 3 above to give access to individual folders and forms.
    – Or click on a folder’s “>” arrow to open a list of its forms.
    Press on green form buttons to remove access to them.
  3. Press [Save changes] when done.

Permissions for multiple users from folder and form menus

From Zegeba v 4.4, the menus for folders and forms have a new option: Access Permissions. Select this to see who has permissions to the folder or form, and add or remove permissions for these.


Add access permissions for multiple users

  1. Select Access Permissions from the menu for the folder or form you wish to add permissions for.
  2. The top box shows the users who presently have access to the folder “Installation”:


The bottom box shows the users who do not have access to this folder. Click on a name to move this user to the top box and thus give access for them
– or –
Press [Add all below] to give access to all users in the bottom box.

  1. After you have clicked on a name it will first be shown with a pale green tag:


The picture above shows permissions for the form “Equipment installation” in the folder “Installation”. As we saw in the picture above this, the users mahmoud.samaru and roger.young have permissions to access the entire folder “Installation”, so their names are shown on a white background for this form – the cannot beremoved or added at this level.

  1. Press [Save changes].
    The new users will now be displayed with the normal dark green background color, and will be listed in alphabetic order.

Remove access permissions for multiple users

  1. Select Access Permissions from the menu for the folder or form you wish to remove permissions for.
  2. Click on the x in the corner of each name tag you wish to remove. The name is immediately moved to the bottom box.
  3. Press [Save changes] when done.

Note: As users with the role of Admin have access permissions to every folder and form, they are not listed in these boxes.  Users with the role of Access Manager can add and remove permissions for users, but only for the folders and forms they themselves have access to.

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