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3.7 Sending notifications


From the Users screen Admin users can send notifications to other Zegeba users, for instance alerting them to server or form changes that has been made. Users who access the Dashboard will get these notifications when they log on. Notifications are not available for users who only access the Zegeba app.

Creating notifications

Only users with the role Admin can create notifications. This is done from the Users screen:

  1. In the Users screen, press the button [Send message].


  1. In the Message box, select Notification on top.
  2. Under Select Recipients, you can select “Select all users” or any combination of roles and names of users.


  1. When you click on a role or a username, it will appear in the “To” box to the left.
    Click on the x in the green name field if you want to remove the selection.
    In the “To” box you can also choose to send to only those of the above roles/names that are either Active, Deactivated, or both.
  2. Select the type of notification you wish to send – Information, Warning or Error.
    As explained below, these types will determine the color of the notification bell circle.
  3. Type your message.
  4. Type your Signature. This will be entered in the Notifications “From” field.
  5. Press [Send] – and [Close] if you are finished sending notifications.

Reading notifications

If the logged-in user has received any notifications from other users, the Notification bell in the top right corner of the Dashboard will display a circle with a number indicating how many notifications the user has. They can be read or unread.

There are three types of notifications: Information, Warning and Error. The color of the circle – green, yellow or red – shows the most “severe” type of notification . A red circle indicates that there is at least one notification of the type Error. A yellow circle shows at least one notification of the type Warning. A green circle indicates that all notifications are “just” Information.


Click on the bell to open the notifications. When they are read, you can delete them one by one, or just press [Close] to remove them from view.


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