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9.2 Working On Draft Forms


In this section we will gather tips on features our customers have asked us about. Contact Support if there’s any area you want us to cover here!

1. Open browser tabs during design

You may have more that one Zegeba browser tab open at a time if you like, but 3-4 tabs should be the maximum if you want to avoid browser storage issues. A good design set-up is to have one tab with the Dashboard, one with the form you are working on, one with the Help Center. In addition you may have a tab showing the Web app. If you have a form open in the Designer you can open another tab in the browser and just type your server URL to open the Dashboard (your URL is <company>, where <company> is your specific server name).

Perhaps you prefer to keep a tablet at your workstation so you can quickly sync the form you’re working on and check the design in the Zegeba app? If so, remember that you must publish the latest form version before it will be synced to the tablet.

2. Draft forms and folders

Even though the Designer’s Preview panel is very useful, you will at times want to save and close your form and test how it will work for the users during data capture. You must then Publish the new version of the form. If this is a new version of a form that’s already in use, this means that all users will suddenly have access to the new version even though it’s not finished yet.

To avoid this conflict, we recommend that when you are doing more than minor changes to a form in use, you copy the existing form version to a new form in the same folder or in a dedicated Drafts/Test folder. Then you may try out all the changes you want, and test data capture with Publish/Unpublish. When you are satisfied, you create a new version of the original form and copy the draft version into this. (See FAQ: How do I COPY a form design? for information on copying).

You may also benefit from having a folder where you put forms that you want to use as a sort of form templates – general versions of your forms. These can have for instance standard front pages with company logo etc. When starting on a new form you can then copy one of these to the Drafts/Test folder and start modifying it.

3. Copying from various versions

If you prefer to create new versions of a form in the form’s version screen you can press the [New form version] to create a copy of the latest version – the one on top. Note that if you prefer a version lower down, you can go to that version’s 3-striped menu and select New Version to create a copy of that version instead.

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