Category / Section
5.9 Task calendar - Dashboard
Task calendar
From Zegeba 4.9, the task calendar will be available. You can use the calendar in the Dashboard and the App to keep track of upcoming tasks.
Only tasks with due dates or recurring schedules will appear, as these have specific dates.
Where to Find It:
In the Dashboard, access the calendar from the menu on the left.
Filtering Options:
- Task Template: View all tasks created with a specific template by selecting it. You can also choose templates from the left side of the calendar.
- Task: Filter to view individual tasks.
- User: Show only tasks assigned to a specific user.
Customization Options:
- Select the start of the week.
- Adjust the time format.
- Show or hide weekends.
Note: These settings are user-specific and won’t affect others on the server.
Adding Tasks to the Calendar:
To add a task to the calendar, assign it a due date or set it as recurring. Simply select the task, choose a date and time, and it will automatically appear in the calendar.
**Task Actions**
By clicking on a task in the calendar, you can:
- View
- Assign
- Edit
- Duplicate
- Delete the task