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7.5 Editing Tasks In A Context


In the Context Builder, accessed from the Context Type screen, Admin and Tasks Admin users can edit the task information first entered in the Builder.

  1. Select the relevant context type in the Dashboard’s side menu and
    find the context you wish to edit.
    Use the search bar on top to search for it if you can’t see it right away.
  2. Press the Edit Context icon (pencil) to open the Context Builder.


  1. Press [Expand all] to see all subcontexts and tasks defined for this context.
    The context on top is the main context, while the contexts below it are subcontexts relative to the main context.


Moving tasks within their contexts

  1. Click on a task to see its toolbar.


  1. Click on the toolbar’s Up arrow (˄) or Down arrow (˅) to move it up or down in the context, one step at a time.
    – or –
  2. Press the 3-striped menu icon to the right on the toolbar and choose Set as First to move it to the top or Set as Last to move it to the bottom within its context.


Moving tasks to other contexts

  1. Click on a task to see its toolbar.
  2. Press the 3-striped menu icon to the right on the toolbar and choose Cut to cut it from its current context.
  3. Click on the context where you want to move the task,
    and press its 3-striped menu icon and select Paste to paste it at the bottom of this context.
  4. Click on the task toolbar’s Up arrow (˄) to move it up within the context.

Copying tasks

  1. Click on the task to be copied to see its toolbar.
  2. Press the 3-striped menu icon to the right.
    Select Duplicate to create a copy of the task directly below it.
    – or –
  3. Select Copy to copy the task to the clipboard.
  4. Go to the context where you want to place the copy,
    click on its 3-striped menu and select Paste to paste task there.
    – then –
  5. As copied tasks have no users, select the copy and assign users to it
    as described below.

The copied task will also appear in the Dashboard’s Tasks list of its task template.

Note that the first two options on the menu, Copy and Cut, places the task on the clipboard so it can be pasted into a context.

Deleting tasks

  1. Click on a task to see its toolbar.
  2. Press the 3-striped menu icon to the right and select Remove to remove the task from the context.
    – or –
  3. Select Cut to cut the task from its original place and copy it to the clipboard.
  4. Go to the context where you want to place the copy,
    click on its 3-striped menu and select Paste to paste the task there.
    – or –
  5. With Remove and Cut the task will still remain on the Zegeba server.
    Select Delete to delete it forever both from the context and from the server.
    It will then disappear from the Dashboard’s Tasks list and from the apps of assigned users the next time they sync.

Creating or adding tasks

  1. Click on the context that you wish to create or add a task under.
  2. To create a new task, or add an existing task in the context,
    click the “+” icon (Add element) and follow the instructions under “Adding tasks” in Managing: 7.2 Creating and copying contexts.
  3. Press [SAVE CHANGES] in the Context Builder when done.

Editing tasks

  1. Click on the task you wish to edit.
  2. Press the “Assign users” icon (+) to add or remove users assigned to this task, as described in Managing: 5.5 Adding and removing task users.
  3. Press the “Open task” icon to open it in the Web app.
  4. Press “Edit task details”
  5. Do remember to press [SAVE CHANGES] to save all your changes.

Assigning new users to a tasks

See the description in Managing: 7.2 Creating and copying contexts.

Deleting users from a tasks

  1. Click on a task and press the “Assign users” icon to open the “Assign Task” window.
  2. Click on the ‘x’ of a user in the list at the top to remove them to the task.

The changes will immediately be reflected in the Tasks screen, and in the Zegeba app after the next sync of the app.

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