2.2 The Dashboard menu
The Dashboard menu on the left side of the screen has different options depending on the role of the logged in user and the modules the company/organization has started to use. Below left is the menu of an user with an Admin role in a company that uses the Contexts and Tasks modules, with 2 context types: Orders and Vessels. In the middle is a feature introduced in Zegeba v 4.8: a collapsed menu, obtained by pressing the arrow near the word Dashboard. Below right is the menu for a user with a Data Collector role in a company that does not use Contexts or Tasks. See Managing: 3.3 User roles for more information on the access of the various user roles.
The options available on the Dashboard’s side menu are:
In the data section on top
Recover (n)
If the user has started capturing data in this browser without saving it, it will be listed under this option on the very top of the side menu – see the menu to the right above. The user can then choose to recover the data or delete it. When there is no recoverable data anymore, “Recover” will disappear from the menu. See Managing: 2.4 Recoverable data in the Dashboard for more information.
Data Views
The default option “View all data” in Data Views shows in principle every data capture (report) on the server. However, the access to see captures is restricted by the role each user has – an Admin user may see all captures, Data Collectors only their own.
This is a handy list to use when you want to see the latest data coming into the server, independent of folders, form templates and versions. You can enter search strings to find specific data, or use filters to see the data for only specific sections. See Managing: 9.3 Find data in the Data Views screen for more information on this. Your company may also have various views installed, shown in the grey side bar, to make it easier to find specific data. See more on this in Managing: 9.4 Create views for the Data Views screen.
If your company/organization has installed the Tasks module, you will see a list of Task Templates here, and can click on these to see individual tasks. Read about Tasks here: Managing: 5.0 Managing tasks.
In the context type section
< context types >
If your company/organization is using the Context module, you will see one or more context types here, and can click on these to see individual contexts. In the menu pictured to the left above these types are Customers and Orders.
In the design section
Form Templates
This option was previously called Forms, and shows the basis for the Zegeba system: the form templates used to collect data. The form templates are grouped in folders — much like a group of data files is stored in folders on a computer. The folders are usually sorted by department, form type or users. Click on a folder name to see its forms or on the button [Expand all] in the upper right corner to see all the forms within each folder. Click on a form name to get the form template’s version screen. This shows both the various versions of a form and the data captured (reported on the users’ apps) in each form version. Note that in this Help Center we generally use the term “form” to refer to the form template the users fill in their reports in.
See chapter Managing: 4.0 Managing folders and forms for a description of how to manage the folders and the individual forms.
Task Templates
If your company/organisation has installed the Tasks module, you will see a list of Task Templates here. In this screen you can create, copy, edit or delete task templates. Pressing a template leads to the individual tasks of this template, just as in the Tasks option higher up on the side menu. See more information on designing task templates here: Managing: 6.9 Using the Task Template Code Editor.
Context Types
Contexts are “umbrella” structures to sort tasks under. This option opens a list of contexts types similar to the list of task templates, where you can create, copy, edit or delete context types. You can also click on a context type to get a list of its contexts. This list is the same that you get if you click on the name of the context type in the menu. See more information on creating context types here: Managing: 8.8 Using the Context Type Code Editor.
In the server management section
Select Users in the Dashboard menu to the right to get a list of all users from your company registered in the Zegeba system. These users have assigned different roles, such as administrators, form designers, data collectors and data managers. See more on how to manage users in chapter Managing: 3.0 Managing users.
Select Resources in the Dashboard menu to get a list of all files (usually pictures, videos, PDFs or other documents) used as resources for forms on the Zegeba server. Only Admins and Resource Managers can see this menu option. See Designing: 7.1 Managing resources in the Dashboard for instructions on how to manage file resources to be used in your forms.
The settings are sorted in Global, Layout and Database Access.
Help Center
On the Dashboard menu opens the Zegeba Help Center (this site) where you can browse through the manuals, check out the Help tools or search for a specific term.
About lists the way in which you can get more help from Zegeba, or share your suggestions and experience. Note that the bottom of this screen shows the version of Zegeba that you are running. You can compose your own About page if you like. Contact support@zegeba.com for information on how to do that.
Log Out
Press Log Out to log out of Zegeba.
The Zegeba App section
Traditionally, the two Zegeba apps, Forms and Next, have been listed here. From Zegeba v 4.4, the Forms app was discontinued, so you would only see the Next app here. From Zegeba v 4.6, the Next app is just called the Zegeba app, so the headline is now “Zegeba App”.
The top button opens the Zegeba Web App in the browser, ready for data capture. The two lower buttons in each section open the pages of the Zegeba app in the app stores of Apple/iOS and Google/Android.
You can learn about the Zegeba App in the manual Using the Zegeba App.