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3.6 Viewing and editing existing data


From the Forms menu option

  1. Click on the folder (with the navy blue folder icon) containing the form you want to open the folder.


  2. Click on the [View data] button of the form you want to see its saved reports.


  3. Find the report you want to edit.


  4. Do not press the orange [Add new] button, but press the long “card” of the report you want to open – or select Open on its three-striped menu to the left.
    Enter your changes in the form, save and close it as described in Using: 3.5 The Summary page.

  5. The card of our edited report, for the company Greensky, will now look like this:


Note that the Edit column has changed, it now says 3 edits. The date and time of the last edit has also been changed.
The first versions of this report are no longer available in the Zegeba app, but they and all subsequent edits are available as individual edits of this report in the Zegeba Dashboard.

From the Tasks menu option

  1. Click on the task containing the form report you want to edit to open it.


  2. Click on the VIEW SAVED (n) arrow of the form you want. The number shows how many saved reports there are.

  3. Click on the report you want to edit to open it. Enter you changes, save and sync it as usual. You will then see only the most recent edit here in the Saved list, bu your previous edits will be available in the Zegeba Dashboard if they were synced to the server.


From a context

  1. Click your way from the context down to the task containing the report you wish to edit. Click on the task to open it.


  2. When the task is opened, continue from step 2 on the section above; “From the Tasks menu option”.


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