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3.2 The Green [+] Button And The Element Context Menu


Sometimes an element you have selected has a corresponding green [+] button.

CleanShot 2024-10-28 at 12.28.39.gif

Pressing the green [+] button will create a subelement in the selected element:

  • Pressing [+] in the main Form element will create a new Page.
  • Pressing [+] in a Page element will create a new Text Input element that you can change.
  • Pressing [+] in a Grid element will create a new Row.
  • Pressing [+] in a Grid Row element will create a new Cell in that row.

If you right-click on an element, you will get a context menu with some editing options for the selected element: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and submenus such as Other Paste/Delete, Move Element, Fold Elements.


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