8.1 Creating A PDF Report Manually
You can at any time create a PDF report from a data capture from the form’s Summary page, the Dashboard, or the Zegeba app.
From the form
Whether you are using the Zegeba app or the Dashboard’s [Capture Data] button to capture data, you can at any time go to the form’s Summary page and press [Create PDF]. Some form designers may even put an “Action button” called [Create PDF] inside the form itself. When you create a PDF like this, you can select which pages to print and then view and download the PDF report to your mobile device or PC. You can then email the report like a normal mail attachment.
From the Dashboard’s data listing
For Administrators and Data Managers only: In the Dashboard’s list of data captures you may view or edit an uploaded capture and go to its Summary page to create a PDF and download it.
Note: Even when a version of a form is Published and data captures have been made, you may open the form in Designer Minor Edit mode and change such PDF settings as described in Designing: 4.2.4 PDF tab and Designing: 6.1 The main Form element. You can for instance correct an awkward page break by defining a page break on a specific element and then create a new version of the PDF report with better pagination.
From the Zegeba app
In the app you can also create a “bulk” sending of several PDF reports from one form. This means selecting a group of reports from several data captures, choosing which pages to send from each report and entering the email recipients for this aggregated PDF.