2.5 The View Menu
From the Designer’s View menu you can choose to display or hide various screen areas.
Design View
Design View is the most generally used view, with the Toolbox area to the left, then the Elements, then Element Properties, and at last Preview to the right.
Minimal View
The Minimal View shows only the Elements and the Element Properties areas of the Designer. From this view you can select View – Show Preview to get Preview, or Reset View to Default Widths to get the default display back.
Hide Preview
Use Hide Preview to only have the Toolbox, Elements and Element Properties areas on screen. At a later stage you can select Show Preview to get this area back.
Reset View to default widths
If you have scaled the four screen areas to different widths (by sliding the dotted dividing borders between them), you can select this option to get their original sizes back.
Data Dictionary
This option provides a detailed list of all of the elements on a form, including Type, Element ID and Name. This is useful for data analysts or users who is going to do database queries on the data, or for instance if you want to check if an outdated company name or model name is still used somewhere in the form. Use the browser’s Find or Search function (often accessed on PC with Ctrl-F or on Mac with Command-F) to find a specific name. Remember to scroll up to the green button on top right to return to normal view.
Full Screen Preview
Select this option to see a full screen preview of the form you’ve created. The full screen preview will also show the summary page but not allow you to save the entered data.