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3.3 Add, move, copy, delete and fold elements


When you start designing a form, the layout will show the Form element on top (with the name you gave the form on the Dashboard). In addition, the form has a Page element and a Text Input element called Element 1.


You can click on Element 1 and go to its Element Properties, press the down arrow in the box Element Type to change its type from Text Input to the typr of element you want.

Add a new element

  1. Select the Page element in Elements (thus making it purple), and
  2. Click the green [+] button to create a new Text Input element at the bottom of the page. You can then change this to any other type in Element Properties – Element Type.
    – or –
  3. Go to the Toolbox panel to the left and click on any of the element types there to add them to the bottom of the page.
    – or –
  4. Go to the Toolbox panel to the left, click on any of the element types and drag it over to the page where you want the new element.

Add a new subelement

  1. Move your mouse over the item where you want to add a subelement.
  2. Click on the green [+] button. In the picture below, a new cell will be added to Row no 2:


Move an element

A. Moving by drag and drop

You can drag and drop an element within a page, or use the options on the Element menu.

  1. Click and hold the element.
  2. Drag it up or down.
  3. The element will be dropped where the red arrow is indicating.


B. Moving via options on the Element menu

  1. Right-click on the element you wish to move and select Move Element.
  2. Select one of the options on the Move Element You may have to select several options in a row to move to the right place, e.g. Set as First on Next Page followed by Move to Middle.

Copy an element

  1. Right-click on an element to get its Element menu.
  2. Select cut/copy/paste actions for this element.

Note: If you select copy and then paste while still having the original element selected, the copy will be pasted just below this element.

Copy a subelement

  1. Right-click in the element you want to copy and select Copy.
  2. Right-click in the same element and select Other Paste/Delete – Paste Sub-elements.

Delete an element

  1. Right-click on the element you want to delete to get the Element menu.
  2. Select Cut to delete the element and copy it to the Clipboard
    – or –
    Select Delete to delete the element without copying it to the Clipboard. In this case, the deleted element will be placed in the Recycle Bin in the Element Properties toolbar. You can later drag the deleted element back into the Elements panel. The bin will be emptied when you close the form.

Note: If you select an element in the Elements panel and press [Delete], you will only delete the element’s Label, not the element itself.

Collapse an element

If you have an element containing subelements, such as an option element or a grid, you can collapse this and later expand it to normal size when needed. This is handy when you have many long elements and need to get a better overview of the page. You can double-click on the element to toggle between collapsing and expanding.



  1. Right-click on the element you want to fold to get the Element menu.
  2. Select Fold elements and then Toggle or Collapse to fold the options list
    – or –
    Select Fold elements and then Toggle or Expand to open up the options list again
    – or –
    Just double-click on the selected element to collapse or expand it.

Note: If you have a long form with many pages, you can double-click on the page names one by one to collapse them so it’s easier to find the page you are looking for:


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