6.2.1 Assigning Users Or Emails For Task States During Task Creation
The procedures described in Managing: 6.2 Adding Task States for a task template add users and email recipients during task template creation, and they apply to all tasks issued in a task template. From Zegeba v 4.8, you can define when creating a task which users and emails will apply when a specific state is reached. This gives the task module much more versatility when it comes to assigning people and sending emails during task work.
When you create a new task you may for instance enter that manager Smith will get an email when the state READY FOR APPROVAL is reached. In the next task you create, manager Jones will get an email for that state. Or you can easily assign one group of workers for a task state in one task, and another group for another task with the same state.
In the States tab of the Task Template Editor you can now specify that when a task is created, a list of users or emails to be selected is presented, instead of having to select users or emails when the task template is created. These lists must first be defined as meta data in the Meta Data tab.
Assigning users
- In the Task Template Editor’s Meta Data tab, enter a new meta data.
Give it a name and the type “List of users” if you want to be able to select users from a list of all users on the server.
In the example illustrated below we want to define for each task one or more persons to be assigned to the task when it has reached the state of Done.
- In the States tab, add the meta data you just created to the relevant state.
Below we have set that for the state DONE, all assigned users will be unassigned, and replaced by someone added from the list of all users called “Users for DONE”.
When you are done, save the task template.
- Click on the task template’s name to create a new task.
In Create new Task, click on the meta data name you just created.
A list of all users on the server will pop up and you can select one or more users that will be assigned to the task when it has reached the relevant state.
In the task below, we have selected two users to be assigned to this specific task when it has reached the state of DONE.
- In the app, the user will see the task details like this:
You can add the same functionality for other task states, for instance ONGOING, by repeating the steps 1-4.
Assigning email recipients
In the Task Template Editor’s Meta Data tab, enter a new meta data.
Give it a name and the type “List of user emails” if you want to select a user email from an email list each time a task state is reached. -
In the States tab, add the meta data you just created to the relevant state.
In the picture below we see that the meta data we added in step 1, “Emails for ONGOING”, shows up as an option when adding email recipients for a state. We can add this, and alternatively add individual users as well. The individual users will get an email for all tasks in the template while the users selected at a later stage from the “Emails for ONGOING” list may only get one email from one task.
When you are done, save the task template.
Click on the task template’s name to create a new task.
In Create New Task, click on the meta data name you just created.
A list of the email adresses of all users on the server will pop up and you can select one or more users that receive an email notification when the task has reached the relevant state.
In the task below, we have clicked in the meta data field “Emails for ONGOING” to get a list of all email adresses and can scroll down the list to find the users we wish to notify when this task has reached the state of ONGOING. -
The task details in our example will in the app look like this:
Repeat steps 1-4 to add the same email notification functionality for other task states.
Note: In the next version of Zegeba you will be able to hide meta data in the app, including user and email meta data as shown in the picture above.