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9.3 Find Data In The Data Views Screen


As described in Managing: 9.1 Data in the Form Versions screen, the recorded data can be found in the version screen for each form. The option Data Views in the Dashboard menu will present the same data but in a comprehensive list of all reports that you have access to on the server. This means that you don’t have to search through folders, forms and versions to find the report you’re looking for. And if you sort the list by Last synced, you will see the latest data to be synced to the server on top of the list so you can check that your latest report has been synced to the server.

In the list pictured below we have sorted the captures/reports according to State, making it easy to see which reports are completed or still being worked on. We can click once more on State to sort in the opposite direction. Or click on Data ID, Edits, Progress, Description, Created or Last Synced to get other sort orders.

From the Actions icons to the left you can view a report (eye icon), edit a report (pencil icon), delete a report (bin icon) and see former edits of the report (double-arrow icon). Path shows the folder, form and version of the report and you can click on this to go directly to the form version screen.

Note: The column User will first show the original creator of the report and after that, the latest person to edit it. The column Created shows the first time the report was synced to the server – not when it was first created in the Zegeba app.


Note! Users’ roles and permissions decide which data they will see in this list. Admin users have access to all data. Data Collectors have only access to their own data in the forms they have permissions for. Data Managers have access to all data in the forms they have permissions for. Tasks Users and Tasks Managers have access to all data in the tasks they are presently assigned to. Reed more about user roles and permissions in Managing: 3.3 User roles.

Date Format

From Zegeba v 4.8, the default date format shown in Data Views is DD-MM-YY, such as 31-12-24. You can change this by pressing the cog wheel button next to the [Search] button and selecting one of the other available formats. The date format is stored in the browser and will apply for all users on that browser and PC. Note that even if you have changed the date format, you still have to use the YYYY-MM-DD format when searching for data, se section below.


Search for data

When you click in the Search field you will get a guide to the types of search available – see below. Note that you don’t always have to type the keyword in front. If you in the list above type line, you will get a list of the 6 reports made by user line even though you did not specify the search as user:line. You can use several search strings together, for instance state: complete | description: Greensky. The search here is not case-sensitive; typing Line will give the same result as line.


A search string you use often can be saved as a “view” shown in the collapsible panel to the left of the data list for easy retrieval. See Managing: 9.4 Create views for the Data Views screen for more information on this.

Data filters

Using filters is a handy way to limit the amount of reports you see in this list. There are 3 filter options that can be used individually or together:

  • Filter by Role – select this to see the data you have access to because of your role. Admins will usually see all reports on the server but deselecting this filter will show only their own reports.
  • Filter by Task Data – select this to see only the reports made in tasks.
  • Filter by Folders/Forms – when this is selected you can selects both folders and individual form that you wish to see data for. See the picture below.


The filters selected are shown as buttons above the list. A filter can be removed by pressing the “x” on its button.


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