A template can have as many Forms associated with it as you want – even 0. You may specify how many times each form can be filled out and if it will also appear under the Ad Hoc reporting option in the Zegeba app – independent of any task. In the Settings tab you may then define these forms to be selectable for each new task issued.
Go to the Task Template editor’s tab 5 – Forms to enter the forms for this template:
Press [Add Form] to add a new form section. In the picture above there are 3 form sections.
Press [Add multiple forms] to add several form sections in one go.
- Use the arrows in the top left corners of each section to move a form up or down in the form list
Note: the sequence in this list will determine the way the forms are listed in the task in the app so you may put the most important or common forms on top. - Press the X in the top right corner to remove a form
- Click in the Form field to get a dropdown list of all forms on the server:
All Published forms will be listed first, then all Unpublished ones.
Draft forms will not be listed here. - Type the Display name to be shown in the list of forms in the task – the name users see
- Type a number in Min no of reports if at least one – or several – reports has to be filled out in the task
- Type a number in Max no of reports if there is a limit to the number of reports users can make in this task
- Check No max limit if the users can fill out as many reports of this form as needed
- Check Ad hoc to enter this form also under the Ad hoc reporting menu option in the app
Note: an Ad hoc form will also be listed under the task forms unless marked as Hidden.
Warning: Ad hoc forms are available for all users on the server.
Note: You may choose to have several versions of the same form in a task, both published and unpublished ones. The unpublished ones may be added to make sure that users who started filling in a report a long time ago can save and sync the report even if a newer form version has been published since then. If you add unpublished versions, we recommend than you set the Max no of reports of these to 1 so users can sync the report made in the old version but not create new ones in that version.
Hide Forms
The option Hide Forms is often used when you want to make reports (“answers”) made in an old form version available to app users. Such reports can only be read, not edited. If you choose to hide a form marked as Ad hoc, the form will be listed under the app’s menu option Ad hoc reporting and can be filled out from there but it will not appear in the task’s form list.
Copy Form Capture
If this setting is selected, app users can copy the answers in a form capture/report to a new form capture. The data can be copied to the same form version, or to other versions of that form or even to a completely different form. Only those data with element IDs exactly like element IDs in the target form will be copied. Copying must be enabled for each individual element in the Designer, see Designing: 4.2.6 Other tab.
The copy will get the form state defined as default in the form’s state settings – often “New” or a similar state. See Designing: 6.1 The main Form element for more information on defining form states. See how the copy function works in the app in Using: 4.7 Copying a task form report.
Advanced Form Features
Prefill of forms
In this section you may define a correspondence between task details filled in when issuing the task and fields in the task’s forms. For instance, if the task concerns a specific customer, the customer name entered as a task detail may be automatically prefilled in the forms’ Customer fields.
- Click on the down-arrow to the right – or anywhere in the Advanced Form Features area – to open this section.
- Prefill of Forms lists the template’s forms. If there are prefills defined in the form design, those form fields are listed here.
- Under Mapping of Task Fields into Form Fields the prefilled elements listed to the left are listed.
In the picture above these are customer_number, customer_name, etc.
Click on each of these elements to select which of the template’s Meta Data field these should be mapped with.
Prefill in a form design is described at the end of Designing: 6.1.1 The main Form element’s Other tab.
Refresh prefill
The prefill of task data into form is usually only done the first time a form capture/report is created. However, some times the meta data must be changed, for instance because of a typo made or of project changes being made along the way. You can specify if the prefill of the form should take place every time a form capture/report is opened. Check the forms you wish to have updated prefill in here:
Please contact Zegeba Support if you need help with defining these features.