In the tab Settings you can specify various settings regarding the context type’s context, such as due date and availability in the Zegeba app.
Go to the Context Type editor’s tab 7 – Settings to define the settings for this context type:
Due Date
By defining a due date on a task you give the user a visual reminder in the app of when the context is due – or if it’s overdue.
The actual time is set for each context in the “Create New Context”‘s Info tab.
Check Enable due date on (context type name) and specify the following options:
- Display as: Time remaining first counts the days remaining, then the hours and minutes until due
- Display as: Date and time shows the actual date and time the task is due
- Time format: UTC shows the time in Coordinated Universal Time, in winter equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time
- Time format: Local time shows the time in the user’s local time zone
In the picture below we see parts of a context list in the app where the top context has no due date set. The second one has Due Date Display as Date, the third one is overdue and the bottom one has Due Date Display as Time remaining. The times can also be found in the Context Details for each context.
By specifying the availability of a context you decide when the context should appear in the users’ app and/or when it will disappear.
The actual times are set for each task in the “Create New Context”‘s Info tab.
Check Enable availability (context type name) and specify the following options:
- Check Enable availability from to allow for the option to set a start date and time for the appearance of the context in the app
- Check Enable availability to to allow for the option to set an end date and time for the appearance of the context in the app
- Time format: UTC shows the time in Coordinated Universal Time, in winter equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time
- Time format: Local time shows the time in the user’s local time zone
Note: there is no warning in the app before a context is made unavailable – it just disappears from the context list.
Also, if you issue a context with an availability some time in the future it will not appear in the app until it’s supposed to. This may seem a bit confusing as we are used to seeing a contexts and tasks in the app as soon as it they are assigned to us.
Other advanced settings
Hide (context type name) in app if there are no accessible sub elements for the active user:
When this is selected, the app user will not see the context type name if they have no contexts nor subcontexts with tasks for this user. It is generally advisable to select this as it will make the app menu simpler and easier to understand.