Release notes: Zegeba v 3.18

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Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Dashboard and the Forms and Next apps. Most servers will be upgraded to 3.18 from 3.17 but if your server was upgraded from an earlier version, please read the Release Notes before this too. They are available through the category Release Notes in the side menu. 

The main component in this release is the powerful Task Template editor. Until now you have had to submit your requests for new templates to us, but now you have full control of the design of these; task forms, number of reports possible, task states, task availability, etc. We know our users will also appreciate better image quality on their PDF reports. Note also that the functionality of the Export Data and Multimedia option has been changed – see below. 

New features in Zegeba v 3.18

In the Dashboard 

  • Task Template editor  –  A new editor where Admins and Tasks Admins can set all types of functionality for your tasks; which forms to include, how many reports can be filled out, what type of data to prefill, which tasks states and colors to use, etc. Read more about this in Managing: 6 Managing task templates.

  • Task Due Date and Availability  –  In the new editor you can also include the fields Due Date and/or Availability for a task template. For each task issued, one can then in the Task Details define Due Date and time and/or Availability from and to. These dates and times will be shown in the Next app. When a task is available it will appear in the app’s Tasks list, and it will disappear when the availability period is over. See Managing: 6.6 Defining Settings for a task template

  • Selectable forms in tasks  –  In the new editor you can define a set of forms in a template and let these be selectable. For each task issued, one can then in Create New Task select which of these forms will apply to this specific task. See Managing: 5.2 Creating and copying tasks.

Improvements in Zegeba v 3.18

In the Dashboard

  • Export Data and Multimedia – Our customers’ export files can become very big due to large amounts of photos and videos registered in their reports.  This export option on the Form Version menu will now send a request by email to Zegeba, and our staff will create the export file and email a download link to the user requesting it, free of charge. 
    (This functionality has also been implemented on those of our customer servers that still run on v 3.16 and 3.17). 

  • Data folders and forms filtering – You can now use the filters to select which folders and forms you would like to see reports for – “Filter by Folders/Forms”. Select one or more folders and/or one or more forms to be displayed in the data listing. See Managing: 9.3 Data in the Data screen.
  • Tasks list’s Open icon – Admins and Tasks Admins that are not assigned to a task can now view a task in the Next app even though it has not been assigned to them. When clicking on a task’s Open icon in the Dashboard’s Task list, the task will open in the app but the existing reports are read-only and the task will not be listed in their personal Tasks list in the Next app.  Read more in Managing: 5.3 Viewing tasks.

  • Tasks – If you would like to open a task directly from a task link to a task form, without showing the Next app and the task details, we can now facilitate that for you. Send your request to Zegeba Support.

In the Designer 

  • For a Multimedia element picture you can now double-click on the URL on top of the small picture (“thumbnail”) in Properties to see the picture’s full path, select the path and copy it. 

  • Signature Time Zone selections  –  for a Signature element you can now select which time zone to set as the signed time: the time of the one signing the report, with the time zone compared to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) added, or the time of the person viewing the report with the signature. Read more here.

In the Forms app

  • Conflict resolution  –  when there is a synchronization conflict between a form on the app and on the server has now been simplified and made easier to understand.      


  • Improved image quality – As PDF reports are often sent as attachments to email notifications we try to avoid them being too large to be sent this way. This means scaling down the image size. We have now implemented a new routine for this process which gives better image quality on the PDF. (This functionality has also been implemented on those of our customer servers that still run on v 3.16 and 3.17). 

Bugfixes in Zegeba v 3.18

  • In the Task Details box the list of Users no longer contains deactivated users 
  • The Search functionality in the Next app has been improved 

… as well as numerous other technical and performance improvements boosting the power of the Zegeba platform!