Save Form in Browser
This option saves the entire form in the current Browsers storage space as a temporary backup in case of network failures or other reasons, as instructed by the support team at Zegeba.
- Press Save Form in Browser to backup the form.
Copy Selected Element to Browser
Paste Element Copied to Browser
The Copy and Paste options on the File menu are very useful when you wish to re-use parts of a form in other forms. This saves time and ensures that the part in the new form is identical to the old one. The part is copied to the memory in the browser (e.g. Google Chrome), and remains there until you close the browser.
- Select the part you wish to copy – be it an element, a page or the entire form.
See tips for selection here: Designing: 3.3 Add, move, copy, delete and fold elements. - Select File – Copy Selected Element to Browser.
- Save and close this form.
- In the Dashboard, find and open the form where you wish to put the copy.
- Select the element where you want to paste the copy, and
press File – Paste Element Copied to Browser.
If you have selected the top Form element to copy to, you may get an empty page that you don’t need anymore. Delete this.
Note 1: If you are copying elements that have rules associated with them, the rules will not be copied unless you copy the entire Form element. After doing that, you can delete the pages and elements that you do not want in the copy.
Note 2: Via the Dashboard you can also export entire forms as files and then import them as copies of the original. See Managing: 4.6 Export and import of Zegeba forms and folders .
Free up local storage
You may at times get memory problems if you for instance work with forms that have a lot of base64 encoded images or media in them. Clicking this menu item will free up memory space.