Release notes: Zegeba v 3.17

All, Release Notes


Note! The software on our customers’ Zegeba servers are upgraded individually to new versions according to the setup and requirements of each customer. Your server version number can be found in the About options in the Dashboard and the Forms and Next apps. Most servers will be upgraded to 3.17 from 3.16 but if your server was upgraded from an earlier version, please read the Release Notes before this too. They are available through the category Release Notes in the side menu. 

The biggest news we have in this version is something we know many of our customers have been waiting for: A Data option in the Dashboard where you see in one list all data captures / reports on the Zegeba server that you have access to, independent of folders, forms and form versions!  We think you’ll love it. 

New features in Zegeba v 3.17

In the Dashboard 

  • Data – this new menu option lists all data in the Zegeba server that you have access to, with the latest incoming data on top. You can search for username, Description info, Dates, etc. More functionality for this option will be released in upcoming versions of Zegeba. See Managing: 9.3 Data in the Data screen.

  • Views are saved searches in the Data list. This may be for instance a View section called “Maintenance Reports” with views for each month of the current year. For now you must contact Zegeba if you want to create Views in the Views panel. See Managing: 9.4 Views in the Data screen.

  • User Notes search – In addition to searching for usernames you can now search for words used in the Notes field for each user. If you have entered for instance “Department: Engineering” for all users in the Engineering department you can search for “engineering” and see all employees in this department. 

Improvements in Zegeba v 3.17

In the Dashboard

  • User dialog box – the box showing a user’s form and folder permissions has now been tidied up 
  • Task list – When a task is first created it will now appear at the top of the task list

  • Tasks list’s Eye icon – The Eye icon is now called “Open task”, not “View task”. If you are not assigned to a task and press this icon, you will get a message stating that you are not assigned to it.  

In the Designer 

  • The Date, Date and Time, and Time elements now have dropdown lists where you can choose between various formats

  • In the Styling tab, Font Size and Font Style now have dropdown lists where you can choose between various formats

In the Next app

  • Bulk PDF counter – when you start selecting and deselecting reports to be included in the PDF, there is a handy counter showing how many reports you have selected

Bugfixes in Zegeba v 3.17

  • The Up and Down arrows for changing row order in subrepeat table now works as they should

… and we have spruced up the Dashboard’s sidemenu bar with the latest buttons from Apple and Google. As well as implemented numerous other technical and performance improvements boosting the power of the Zegeba platform!